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    The Red Temple is you, your feminine body, your love organs, the feminine essence and it’s untamed spirit that dwells within. The Red Temple is women coming together, the collective womanhood in the circle that we are creating, The temple is also an energetic space we tap into, an ancient lineage of generations of wise women coming together, sharing their wisdom, taking care of eachother.  

  • Tantra is a path of love that offers new and conscious ways to experience sexuality and sensuality. When one becomes more sensitive and energies begin to flow freely within, a profound reconnection to the unique and exquisite feminine can flourish.


    Tantra liberates, it empowers and roots one into the body, into mother earth, into this life. Tantra is weaving energies, it allows deep acceptance and awakens our alchemical heart.

    During the Red Temple, women are invited to find new relationships with boundaries and communication, which seed real respect, self-love and relaxation.


    These tantric ways naturally open one for a deconditioning of the mind and heart, as well as the feminine organs, and unleashes an untamed, sensual and erotic intelligence that allows women to bloom from within. So we can discover the blessing of our Love Organs, our breasts and Yoni, and taste the secrets that are held within their original matrix.


    This is often experienced as a remembering of something long forgotten, a profound alignment and a coming home.


    A nourishing space of sisterhood is arising in the The Red Temple. A circle of women supporting each other, exploring together tantric exercises, meditations and movement as well as healing rituals and voice work.


    A space with the quality of a sacred temple in which profound transformation can happen. It is not so much about analyzing oneself, solving problems or trying to get rid of something.

    It is rather about entering a mystic realm where all is welcome, felt and expressed through the body. It is a call to own and celebrate womanhood, rise out of collective female conditioning and remember the essence of the feminine




    Raaji facilitates a beautiful workshop that allows you to experience healing both personally and ancestrally, to connect deeper to the inner wisdom and power of the divine feminine and to support other women in a nurturing safe space.

    I highly recommend this workshop!"


    La Toya


    The Red Temple Workshop was profound and empowering. Although there was fascinating knowledge imparted, for me it was less about learning something new and more about being guided to uncover wisdom that I already had, but had not been conscious of. It was like finding a voice that had been muted and letting it sing. I am deeply grateful for the ways this work continues to bless my experience, and am eager for more.


    Leda Meredith



    “It is time for the sexual essence of women to wake up on the planet. SHE is calling you. And you are feeling it. You feel under your skin that there is so much bliss that wants to wake up in your body, so much love that wants to radiate from you. You know it is a powerful force of awakening. And you sense that there is something awesomely unique about feminine sexual essence. However, the essence of female sexuality is not much understood in our world. We have forgotten how our sexuality expresses our spiritual essence as the Feminine. But SHE, the pure sexual Feminine, is waking up. She is ready to give birth, through you, to a new evolution of humanity. You can be part of this awakening.”


    Shakti Malan 



  • The sacred Heart 

    By Raaji Amankay 


    I remember myself in deep longing for you, yearning to experience myself interwoven in your sensuous field of being, thirsty to remember origins and secrets of life and death. I knew you were there just behind that thin veil that was enveloping me, but I was armored with knowing and wanting, rooted in fear. And I couldn't fully receive your unspeakable depth. Occasionally you visited me like a fleeting kiss, in other timeless moments you illuminated my sacred heart with your radical love that ever glows like golden ember. I was awaiting the day that you would entirely and for always ravish me.


    As I grew older I perceived that there is no future, but only that absolute present, that great mystery, that immeasurable silence.And l have learned, that you come as a raw call to show up at the altar of life without conditions, to inhabit with totality the dark prairies

    of my inner world. And just when I was with my knees on the ground, brittle and stripped naked by my own inner divisions, easing and breathing into that intimidating void, your voice called me deeper into the womb of the earth, and into the darkness of the soul of humankind.



    Following the footprints of the mystics of this world,

    a pilgrimage without a map but with a deep inner knowing, I found you. Wild and pure, soft and beautiful,

    alluring and profound, full of radiating force and absolute fierceness, embodying bare truth.


    And I have become your student, your devotee, your lover and your wholehearted companion. I have taken my seat in the circle of wisdom keepers, I move and I sing with you, I rest in you, and I practice deep listening to your silent language. You illuminate the sacred heart in a thousand ways, you are the ground of being for my soul, you are my very essence in this dance of life. Your faces are infinite and everchanging, my face is just one of them and all of your faces are mine.


    I found my way back home to the lineage of the great mother, to the nation of female water carriers and earth guardians, humming ancient songs to protect the sacredness of life. And in that ageless circle of women we dream-birth a new earth into being.